In the car--just Edee and I. Chicken is at home taking a nap with Daddy.
Edee: "We going to da store?"
Me: "We're just going to the grocery store and then to the pharmacy."
Edee: "NO! I don wanna go dere! Dat pace is a NIGHTMARE!!!!"
Me: "Whaa..? A nightmare? The pharmacy? No it's not!" (Nightmare? Where is she getting this from....?).
Edee: "Yes it is, it sooo crazy! I don wanna go! NO way! No way, Mommy."
Me: "What are you talking about? Are you thinking of when we were downtown going to the museum? Did I say it was a nightmare? I probably did. We don't even have to get out of the car at the pharmacy."
Edee: "No way, not da museum! I don wanna go a dat oder pace. It too crazy and too many cars an I don yike it. GRrRr. It make me SO MAD!! GRRR. "
Me: "We're just going to the pharmacy, the place to pick up my medicine."
Edee: "NO! You not SICK Mommy!!!! You don nee medicine, you not sick. NO. You NOT sick."
Me: " are right, I'm not sick but I still need to go get my medicine. We're going."
Edee: "OOOOOh, is it your chocolate blueberry kinda medicine? Or the pink kind? I YIKE the pink kind, yum, yes, mmmmm the pink kind, let's go get some a dat kind, otay Mommy?"
My mind is still reeling about this. I don't know whether to be more perplexed about the pharmacy being a nightmare, or about this mysterious, delicious pink medicine..... or that Edee thinks that I'm using the chocolate-covered blueberries stashed in the cabinet to self-medicate.