Oh noodles.

Oh noodles.
"Edee" and "Chicken" are nicknames for my two little rascals. The names originated from how my daughter would pronounce both her own and little brother's name when she first started talking. They've stuck. Chicken may live to regret that someday....

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Me:  Chicken, finish up your soup.
Chicken:  I only like the soup part.  Not the vegetables and udder fings.
Me:  You don't like the kale?
Chicken:  Or dese udder fings either.  Only the soup.
Daddy:  I hate to break it to you...but all the sausage and vegetables are part of the soup Chicken.
Me:  So you're trying to say you only like the broth, Chicken.
Chicken:  Yeah I only like the bra (slurping up his broth).
--sidelong glance between Me and Daddy---
Me:  Brothhhhhh, Chicken.

You can't be too careful with words such as these.


We drove down to Cape Cod this weekend for a Cranberry Harvest Celebration.  As we approached our destination, we passed through a cemetery--a very New England-styled one; with old headstones surrounding us on either side; and tall, beautiful trees, dropping their leaves in a variety of colors.

Just as I was thinking to myself how utterly lovely it all was, I hear from the backseat from four-year-old Chicken in a quiet, slightly disgusted, matter-of-fact voice:

"Oh yuck, some people died."

Daddy and I both burst into laughter.  Edee and Chicken thought our reactions were pretty great so they joined in too.

Death itself really isn't a humorous thing to me.  But his perception of it in that moment was.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


We got an Amazon Echo a few months back.  "Alexa", as it's called, has become a handy and well-used addition to our family.  Fortunately, it doesn't recognize the kids' attempts to use it, or else we'd be listening to lame jokes and the song "Everything is Awesome" all day, every day.

As I'm making breakfast this morning, still slightly groggy.

Me:  Alexa--how many tablespoons in a quarter cup?
Alexa: There are 4 tablespoons in a quarter cup.
Me: Thanks.
Edee:  Mom--why did you say "thanks" to Alexa?  She's a robot!
Me:  I know....I said it because... I want to be a good example to you guys in using my manners....
(maybe slightly true, maybe I was mostly just tired...)
Edee:  Mom, you do not need to say dat to a robot.  She's not even that helpful!!
Me:  Yes she is, she helps us all the time.
Edee:  Remember? She doesn't even know anything about kiwis or where dey are from.
Me:  Alexa--where do kiwi fruit grow?
Alexa:  Sorry, I can't find the answer to the question.
Edee:  She doesn't even know where strawberries grow.
Me:  Alexa--what are strawberries?
Alexa:  Fraganaria times ananassa, a fraganaria species of plant.
Me:  See?
Edee:  Yeah, but she doesn't know where dey are from!
Me:  But.....okay, Alexa--where are strawberries from...
Alexa:  Sorry, I can't find the answer to the question.
Edee:   See?  She doesn't really even know dat much!!!

I was too tired and groggy to argue.  Silly me for thinking thanking a robot would make any type of impact.  Alexa and I were both proved to be fools.