Oh noodles.

Oh noodles.
"Edee" and "Chicken" are nicknames for my two little rascals. The names originated from how my daughter would pronounce both her own and little brother's name when she first started talking. They've stuck. Chicken may live to regret that someday....

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Singing All the Day

My kids love singing.

Chicken LOVES "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  It's the only song he sings.  He requests it at bedtime when I'm putting him down by saying:  "Tink-ah!"

When he does sing it, he sings it so sweetly; it sounds something like this:

Tink-ah, tink-ah, yittah yahr!  Howa wondah.......ah! ....dia-mon....high....
Tink-ah, tink-ah yittah YAHR!!  Tink-ah.....Tink-ah....yittah YAHR!!

He gets a little lost sometimes but he loves the 'twinkle little star' part and trying to say "diamond".
It's adorable.

This morning Edee was singing a church song we sing often at home, "Love One Another".
It goes like this:

As I have loved you
Love one another
This new commandment
Love one another
By this shall man know
Ye are my disciplines
If ye have love
One to another

Her version went something like this:

By dis com-maaandos,
By dis commandos.
By dis COM-maaaaaandos!!
By dis commandos!!
By dis com-maaaandos,
By dis commaandos,
By dis comm-mandooos,
By dis com-maaaaaaaandos!!!

I should have asked her what that songs means to her.  Because as of now, with all these commandos, I'm not so sure what she might say.

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