Oh noodles.

Oh noodles.
"Edee" and "Chicken" are nicknames for my two little rascals. The names originated from how my daughter would pronounce both her own and little brother's name when she first started talking. They've stuck. Chicken may live to regret that someday....

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Daddy and I are watching a movie one Sunday afternoon with Edee, who all the sudden is sick.  Apparently she picked up a virus at church today, along with the word "stupid" as you will soon see.

Edee:  "I wan a pay a game on da iPad."  She takes it from me and starts to pull up one of her favorite games.
Me:  "Wait a minute.  You are watching a movie that you picked out.  Can you watch a movie and play a game on the iPad at the same time?"
Edee:  "Yes, I can, and it Syuper (super) fun."

Hum.  Really.
Daddy comes up about then and changes the movie to something else he would rather watch since Edee chose to play on the iPad.  Pretty soon he's also distracted by the iPad game.

Daddy:  "What is that monster?  That's a monster, Edee, just remember that."
Edee:  "Dat not a monster, dat's a people!"
Daddy:  "It looks like a monster, look how big it's eyes are!  Are they way bigger than your eyes?"
Edee:  "Yeah. But. She not a monster."
Daddy:  "Yes she is. Look at her chin.  Sheesh.  She doesn't look real.  What is that, some kind of torture device?
Edee:  "No!  It a pop da pim-pals.  It make her owies go all gone."
Daddy:  "It's pops her pimples??!  Do things like that even exist?!!"
Me (interjecting, as up to this point I've been amusedly observing... and typing): "Yes, they do.  I had a roommate that had one."
Daddy:  "Weird......what are these things...wow, super hot steam to burn off her face?  What's that green stuff all over....Here, put the cucumber on one eye......arg!  Look it's a pirate!!"
Edee:  "NO! ERR!  It not a pirate, it a people!  It a people, Daddy, people are not pirates!
Daddy:  "Pirates are people.  And it's a pirate."
Edee:  "No!  She a people, Daddy.   It a human!!!!!!!"
Daddy:  "Pirate. You don't even know what a pirate is--"
Edee:  "Nooooo!  She human! Pirate are not people!!"
Daddy:  "Okay. We are done with this conversation."
Edee:  "Awight, we are."

Daddy turns to the movie and Edee continues her game.  Just a moment later......

Edee:  "You yupid!  UGh!  Parrots are not people!!! Parrots are yupid!  Dey not human!!"
Daddy:  "I was talking about a pirate, not a parrot!  They are different. And don't call me stupid, where did you learn that? "
Edee:  "PIRATES are not human!"
Daddy: "Ugh....What the...Who has purple eyes?  No one has purple eyes.  She's a monster."
Edee:  "No, her not."
Daddy:  "What are you doing now?  Is that a nightwalker?"
Edee:  "NOOO! She NOT a monster.  She NOT a nightwalker.  Dose are YUPID."
Daddy:  "That's right, Edee, nightwalkers are stupid.  You remember that.  Oh look at that, Mommy, she totally is a nightwalker.  What is she wearing?  Find some clothes that cover her up."
Edee:  "I yike her pink dress!"
Daddy:  "Is there not one outfit in here that covers up her shoulders?"
Edee:  "Hey!!"
Daddy:  "Alright, fine, you keep just doing what you're doing."

Daddy soon sulks over to the other side of the couch.

If you couldn't make a guess by now, the game she was playing is called 'Princess Salon'.   I might as well just delete it now to avoid future conflict.

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