Oh noodles.

Oh noodles.
"Edee" and "Chicken" are nicknames for my two little rascals. The names originated from how my daughter would pronounce both her own and little brother's name when she first started talking. They've stuck. Chicken may live to regret that someday....

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Potty Training

I've charged Edee with helping Chicken potty train.  She's all in--she knows that if he goes on the potty and she helps that she also getting a treat.

Chicken is sitting on the potty.  Edee is turning the water on in the sink.

Me:  What are you doing?
Chicken:  Edee goin' get the toy full a wadder, and make me laugh, den I poop.
Edee:   Yoook Chicken!  Laugh so much dat you poop!

She proceeds to stick a foam toy on the wall.

Chicken:  Aaahahahahahahahahahaha ah ha ha ha (fake laugh....turns into a momentary real laugh).   Ah.  At-you-ee (actually), it did not work.
Edee:  How 'bout dis?  (She proceeds to bonk him on the head with the foam toy).
Chicken: Ah ah ha ha ha.....uh, not working.  I cannot poopsie.....
Edee:  Hmmm.....yet's see....yook I'm doing some-ting so funny.
Chicken:  Ah ha ha ha ha ha (still fake).
Edee:  Keep on puh-sing and puh-sing.
Chicken:  La la la....grrrr!  Grr!   ....I peed in da potty!  Mommy, I peed!
Me:  Good job.
Chicken:  I peed Edee!  We get a Dum Dum Yuckah!  Dank you Edee!
Edee:  You're welcome.

So far, so good.  Too bad their motivation tapers out at about 9 am after the first treat....

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