I've charged Edee with helping Chicken potty train. She's all in--she knows that if he goes on the potty and she helps that she also getting a treat.
Chicken is sitting on the potty. Edee is turning the water on in the sink.
Me: What are you doing?
Chicken: Edee goin' get the toy full a wadder, and make me laugh, den I poop.
Edee: Yoook Chicken! Laugh so much dat you poop!
She proceeds to stick a foam toy on the wall.
Chicken: Aaahahahahahahahahahaha ah ha ha ha (fake laugh....turns into a momentary real laugh). Ah. At-you-ee (actually), it did not work.
Edee: How 'bout dis? (She proceeds to bonk him on the head with the foam toy).
Chicken: Ah ah ha ha ha.....uh, not working. I cannot poopsie.....
Edee: Hmmm.....yet's see....yook I'm doing some-ting so funny.
Chicken: Ah ha ha ha ha ha (still fake).
Edee: Keep on puh-sing and puh-sing.
Chicken: La la la....grrrr! Grr! ....I peed in da potty! Mommy, I peed!
Me: Good job.
Chicken: I peed Edee! We get a Dum Dum Yuckah! Dank you Edee!
Edee: You're welcome.
So far, so good. Too bad their motivation tapers out at about 9 am after the first treat....
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