Oh noodles.

Oh noodles.
"Edee" and "Chicken" are nicknames for my two little rascals. The names originated from how my daughter would pronounce both her own and little brother's name when she first started talking. They've stuck. Chicken may live to regret that someday....

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Eating Birds

Both of my kids ask "Why?"  a lot.  Like, A LOT a lot.  I'm sorry to say, it can get quite obnoxious.  Especially because Edee asks it in such a whiny, grating way.   I'm feeling annoyed just typing about it, to be perfectly honest.

Edee:  Mom, do we eat any birds that fly?
Me:  Yeah....like turkeys.  And ducks.  And some people eat geese.  We eat birds like that.
Edee:  What about little birds?
Me:  No...we don't eat songbirds.
Edee:  Why?
Me:  Because they are too small too eat.
Edee:  Why?
Me:  Because there's not a lot of meat on those small birds.
Edee: But but yi-yons (lions) eat birds!  Small birds!
Me:  I'm sure they do.  Cats and lions can eat small birds.
Edee:  Why don't people do?
Me:  Because lions don't mind eating feathers and bones but people don't do that.
Edee:  Why?
Me:  Because it's yucky.
Edee: But I yike to eat chicken on da bone!
Me:  But do you eat the bone?
Edee:  No.

I think the conversation is over (and this was the shortened version).
No such luck.

Edee:  Do people eat fah-mingos?
Me:  No, I don't think people eat flamingos.
Edee:  Why don't people eat fah-mingos?
Me:  Well, I don't know, maybe some people eat flamingos but Americans at least don't.
Edee:  Why?
Me:  Because they are not birds that are in our country to eat.  I don't think other people eat them either.
Edee:  Why?
Me:  ARG.  Just Because.  They aren't the kind of bird people eat.
Edee:  Why?

and so on.

So, if anyone out there knows if people can eat flamingos...I have a three year old who really wants to know.

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